Environment setup¶
Clone repository¶
- Via https:
git clone https://github.com/realkarych/rxconf.git
- Via ssh:
- Via GitHub CLI:
gh repo clone realkarych/rxconf
Install poetry¶
- MacOS / *nix:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
- Windows:
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
Once Poetry is installed you can execute the following:
poetry --version
Install dev-dependencies¶
Assumed that you are in the directory with the project
We implemented two versions of required dependencies:
poetry install
— default dependencies that installs with package via pip.poetry install --with dev
— dependencies that installs with package via pip AND tools for testing, deploying documentation, deploying on PyPI.
You should use the second option.
Install Act — local CI¶
We use Act for local CI launching.
It helps us to test RxConf on different environments use local machines instead of GitHub Actions.
After the local CI passes, we contribute code to the origin.
Build & deploy docs locally¶
Assumed that you are in the directory with the project and dependencies are already installed.
To build and deploy docs locally, run mkdocs serve
Build & deploy docs on prod¶
Our rule is to not deploy documentation to production manually.
We use a CI action
that automatically deploys the documentation to production whenever changes are pushed to the main
Deploying on Test PyPI¶
Requires private access and performs only by core contributors. So you can create your own repo on https://test.pypi.org and provide token.
Before deploying to the official PyPI repository, we first upload and test our package on Test PyPI. This allows us to ensure that everything works correctly and to catch any potential issues before making the package publicly available.
Upload to Test PyPI:
- Add Test PyPI repo to poetry conf:
poetry config repositories.testpypi https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
. - Add secret to conf:
poetry config pypi-token.testpypi <token>
- Publish:
poetry publish --repository testpypi
- Add Test PyPI repo to poetry conf:
Test the package:
Install the package from Test PyPI and run tests to ensure everything is working correctly:
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/rxconf/
Deploying on PyPI¶
Our rule is to not deploy library on PyPI from local.
We use a CI action that automatically deploys the library to https://pypi.org/project/rxconf/ on new version tag introduction.